
专题首页 >> 专家访谈
[APASL2014]Controlling hepatitis B:Will we ever eradicate it?——Interview with Dr.Stephen Locarnini 阅读数:181详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Hepatitis and HIV co-infection in the Asia Pacific Region——Interview with Prof.Gregory Dore 阅读数:1291详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Progress and Prospect of the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis——Interview with Mr.Charles Gore 阅读数:550详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Mother-to-Infant Transmission of Hepatitis B——Interview with Prof.Ji-Dong Jia 阅读数:114详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]HBIG Is Being Phased Out!——Interview with Dr.James Fung 阅读数:101详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Treatment end points of Hepatitis B:What they are and How to achieve?——Interview with Prof.Jia-Horng Kao 阅读数:103详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Asia-Pacific Region: The Epicentre of Liver Disease——Interview with Prof.Darrell Crawford 阅读数:245详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]Encouraging Weight Loss in NAFLD——Interview with Dr.Ingrid Hickman 阅读数:113详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]The Present and Future of AHA Nursing Guidelines——Interview with Sally Spruce 阅读数:92详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]The Dual Role of Macrophages in Liver Injury——Interview with Prof.Frank Tacke 阅读数:89详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]New Development of DAA Therapies——Interview with Dr.Michael Beard 阅读数:124详细阅读>>
[APASL2014]HBIG Is Being Phased Out!——Interview with Prof.James Fung 阅读数:132详细阅读>>
[APASL2013]The Unappreciated Heterogeneity of HCC——Interview with Dr. Xinwei Wang 阅读数:883详细阅读>>
[APASL2013]Beyond Beta-Blockers in Portal Hypertension--interview with Dr.Shiv Kumar Sarin 阅读数:633详细阅读>>
[APASL2013]Treatment for Chronic HBV Infection: The Long Battle——interview with Dr.Ching Lung Lai 阅读数:562详细阅读>>
[APASL2013]The future of HCC in a Post-HCV World——interview with Prof. Masao Omata 阅读数:481详细阅读>>
[APASL2013]Curing HBV:A Light at the End of the Tunnel? ——interview with Prof. Massimo Levrero 阅读数:829详细阅读>>