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——  作者:J.R.Wands    时间:2015-09-24 04:54:45    阅读数: 614

        访美国布朗大学Jack R. Wands教授
  Jack R. Wands博士,美国布朗大学医学院教授,布朗大学肝病研究中心创始人。在“第七届亚太肝病诊疗技术联盟(APALD)年会”上,Wands教授作了题为“肝癌的标靶治疗和疾病进程”的专题报告,并于会后就相关话题接受了《国际肝病》的专访。
  Jack R. Wands教授: 我们对肿瘤的形成和生长进展已经有所了解。这些信号通路可以用于设计新的治疗方法。在大会报告中,我介绍了这些信号通路以及信号通路如何帮助我们识别肝癌早期诊断标志物。但仍需为许多生存预后极差的肿瘤开发新的治疗方法。
  Prof. Wands:Well, we have begun to understand some of the processes that allow the tumor to form and to grow. These are signaling pathways that may be useful in designing new therapeutic approaches. So my talk this morning was describing some of these pathways and how they may help us identify new diagnostic markers for early detection of liver cancer. But also to develop potential new therapies for various serious tumors that have very bad prognosis in survival.
  Jack R. Wands教授:靶向药物治疗肝癌现在还处于早期,我们正在思考将几种不同类型的治疗方法的药物通过血管或者口服方式一起应用。另外,我们对外科切除术后预防肿瘤复发的肝癌疫苗也非常感兴趣。对于早期肿瘤的治疗,我们正在尝试使用肿瘤疫苗与药物联合治疗。
  Prof. Wands:Well, right now is the early day and we are thinking about several different types of approaches that involve drugs that can be given eitherthrough the vein or orally like a pill. We are also interested in cancer vaccines to try to prevent tumorreoccurrence after surgical resection. Or the treatment of early stage tumors, we are interested in trying to use combinations of drug therapy and cancer therapy using cancer vaccines.
  Jack R. Wands教授:对于分子靶向治疗,处于疾病早期阶段的患者疗效最好,但是不排除晚期患者。因此,我们希望所有需要它的肝癌患者都可以用到。
  Prof. Wands:Well, probably they work best in early stage disease but we don’t exclude patients with advanced disease. So, we will hope they will be available to all patients with liver cancer who need it.
  Jack R. Wands教授:我们目前仍处于应用动物模型显示药物在动物肿瘤疗效的阶段,因为才刚开始做临床试验,所以仍不知道药物真正有哪些副作用。如果有的话在接下来的1或2年内会知道的。希望我们能规避这些副作用。但我想分子靶向治疗比目前正在使用的治疗安全。
  Prof. Wands:We are still at the stage of animal models to show that these therapiesworkin cancer produced in animals. We don’t really know what the side effects will be because we are just starting to do clinical trials. But we will know very soon, in the next year or two whatside effects are present, if any. And how we can hopefully we can get around these side effects. But we think that molecular targeted therapies will be much safer than currenttherapiesthat are now being used.

