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AASLD专访丨Bernd Schnabl教授:深入“肠肝轴”,解码肠道微生态在自身免疫性肝病诊断和治疗中的作用
——  作者:    时间:2023-12-02 08:08:12    阅读数: 38

在刚刚闭幕的肝病学领域国际年度压轴盛会——美国肝病研究学会年会(AASLD2023)上,美国加利福利亚大学圣地亚哥分校Bernd Schnabl教授进行了题为“The Role of the Microbiome in Autoimmune Liver Disease”的专题报告,详细解析了肠道微生态与自身免疫性肝病的关系。《国际肝病》特别邀请到Bernd Schnabl教授就相关话题进行深入分享。访谈视频和中英文对照访谈原稿整理如下。
Bernd Schnabl教授
<Hepatology Digest>: What role does microbiome play in the pathogenesis of autoimmune liver diseases? What current research findings have revealed the association between the microbiome and autoimmune liver diseases?
Dr. Bernd Schnabl: I think this is a very important question. In general, we know that patients with autoimmune liver disease, they have changes in their gut microbiome. In general terms, there are the bad bacteria, what we call are reduced in some of the good bacteria, I am sorry, the bad bacteria are increased and the good bacteria are decreased.
We know for example that in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis we have an increase in Klebsiella, but also for example, Veillonella and they can potentially contribute to the progression of disease. And then one of the overall findings that many patients with autoimmune and liver disease have they have a decrease in the diversity of the microbiota in the intestine.
And that is something which we commonly see actually many of the chronic diseases and specifically also some of the patients with autumn liver disease, they have what we call an increased gut leakiness, so their intestinal permeability is increased and that allows now some of the bacteria from the intestine but also some of the toxins that are produced by the bacteria to translocate out from the intestine through the portal vein and come directly to the liver and the liver is the first organ now to encounter all of these products and in conjunction with the ongoing inflammation in the liver of these patients, you get now a progression of disease.
In addition, we also know for example that some of the good functions of the microbiota are decreased in these patients. For example, there was a recent publication that vitamin B6 which is also synthesized by the gut microbiota and by the bacteria that this is decreased in the serum from patients with primary steroids and cholangitis.
Bernd Schnabl教授
<Hepatology Digest>: How can studying the microbiome provide new insights and methods for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of autoimmune liver diseases?
Dr. Bernd Schnabl: For the diagnosis, I think this is important, that we can get, for example, to a better diagnosis for patients. For example, who we know they would progress and some patients who we know they would not progress and then we can more or less stratify the patients towards some treatment and towards treatment targets.
The ideal case scenario that I can admission for the future is for example that we develop a microbiome signature from culture independent sequencing where we can characterize these patients who would respond to a therapy or who we know that they would need more and stronger therapy for the future.
I think this is something for the diagnosis and this characterizing these patients in terms of their microbiome. It would also allow us now to better have some categories of patients, for example, whose disease is driven by a leaky gut, and whose disease, for example, is not associated with increased intestinal permeability. And if you have, for example, a drug that is targeting the increased intestinal permeability, you only have to try and treat the patients who in fact have increased intestinal permeability.
So, I think this will help, you know, get a better efficient drugs for the future, but also reduce some risks and adverse events in patients who do not need to be treated with these drugs. So I think this is overall, you know I see this more as a future direction that we get like a microbiome signature for these patients and then we can stratify. You know, in terms of who needs to be treated and not.
Bernd Schnabl教授
<Hepatology Digest>: From your perspective, what do you see as the future research directions and prospects for microbiomics in autoimmune liver diseases as well as in gut health research? What breakthroughs do you envision for this field in the coming years?
Dr. Bernd Schnabl: This is a very good question. Thank you so much. I think we can have, if I look at microbiome centered therapies, we essentially have like targeted and untargeted therapies.
And untargeted therapies, if I want to start with these, they are we have some clinical trials ongoing and they have been actually already finished. And these untargeted therapies use, for example, antibiotics, which is simply just wipe out the gut microbiota that do not discriminate between good and bad bacteria. Or we can use like probiotics. Probiotics are living bacteria which confer beneficial effects to the gut microbiome and to the patient. Or we can use like other non-targeted therapies like fecal microbiota transplantation, where we essentially give healthy donor stool to the patient with a chronic disease. And there have been some good outcomes, especially with antibiotics.
However, none of these, the current treatment trials where you have what I call centered microbiome centered therapies, none of them made it actually to clinical practice to any guidelines for our society. So I think they need to be more clinical trials and larger trials to, to really see if these treatments are effective and not harmful for patients with liver disease.
And I am going to switch over now to the targeted therapies I think we have. We do not have a clinical trial for this, but there was a recent study showing that, I have talked before about the bad bacteria, where we can use like bacteriophages to target these bad bacteria. And these bacteriophages are very small viruses. They can recognize specifically these bad bacteria, they can infect them and then from the inside they can kill the bacteria. And the beauty of it about these phages are that these phages are actually replicating inside the bacteria before they kill them. So after the bacteria are killed, now the progeny of many of these phages are released and they can now infect many of the other bad bacteria.
So eventually they will decrease the bad bacteria and can hopefully stop the progression of disease. Now this is not entered any clinical trial so far, but in preclinical animal models, I think we have very encouraging results.

