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AASLD专访丨Monica A. Tincopa教授:代谢相关脂肪性肝病(MASLD)管理的四点新见解
——  作者:    时间:2023-12-04 02:14:07    阅读数: 18

在刚刚闭幕的肝病学领域国际年度压轴盛会——美国肝病研究学会年会(AASLD2023)上,美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校Monica A. Tincopa教授应邀在“Patient-centered Management of Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD)”专题中,介绍了MASLD的管理现状,并于会后接受《国际肝病》专访时提出了新时期MASLD管理的四点新见解,访谈视频和中英文对照访谈原稿分享如下。
Monica A. Tincopa教授
<Hepatology Digest>: How can patients perceive and actively manage MASLD on their own to alleviate the condition and avoid further deterioration?
Dr. Monica A. Tincopa: I think the main thing that we heard from today's session from the patients and the caregivers really has to do about empowering themselves with knowledge. So why should we care about, you know, MASLD? A lot of times patients are told that they have a chronic liver disease and they have to lose weight, but nothing really beyond that. So, to be able to better understand like what are the implications, what in the long term can come from this, what signs and symptoms should I be looking for and then to get a better understanding of, ok, I should lose weight.
What are the foods and the different associated kind of lifestyle behaviors that could potentially help or maybe hurt? I think once they are able to have a better understanding of those things and they can be their best advocate in terms of knowing when they need additional work up, if they have questions, things they should be concerned about and on their own time in between visits, what types of things they can be working on.
Monica A. Tincopa教授
<Hepatology Digest>: How can caregivers provide personalized care and support to meet the specific needs of patients with MASLD?
Dr. Monica A. Tincopa: Again, I think from a caregiver perspective, a lot of it also depends on kind of the stage of disease.
So today we heard from somebody who is a caregiver with somebody with fairly advanced disease, so once they have cirrhosis with complications, it can be extremely challenging. Patients are often in and out of the hospital, they have to do evaluation for liver transplant, with all of the anxiety related to be waiting for liver transplant kind of in earlier stages.
Again, I think a lot of it is advocacy knowing kind of what is your stage of disease, helping them implement these lifestyle changes. There is really good data to show that, you know, people are better able to implement dietary changes, maintain physical activity, if the people around them are also doing the same thing. So, I think that that is a key thing for caregivers. At least as it relates to early stage and then obviously once people are into kind of more advanced stages, a lot of it has to do with just making sure that they are getting through their appointments, taking their medications, and getting appropriate follow up.
Monica A. Tincopa教授
<Hepatology Digest>: How can healthcare professionals utilize existing diagnostic tools and treatment modalities in an integrated approach to effectively manage and treat patients with MASLD?
Dr. Monica A. Tincopa: So there is been a lot of movement in this space. So, prior to this year, as we talked about today's session, there was no recommendation to screen. We did not really have well defined algorithms, so now we do and I think a big barrier has to do with kind of education outreach to the primary care providers and other associated specialists that are seeing these patients.
So, things like cardiology, endocrinology, so educating them and providing them tools to know which patients should I be worried about. There is a lot of work going into teaching and implementation of FIB-4. So, how can we make it easier for people to use those to then identify who needs to be sent to us. So, in a lot of electronic health records now we have developed an algorithm that will automatically calculate it. So, I think education, implementing, you know, fairly easy to administer, non-invasive testing and then to help them better understand based on that initial data who are the patients that they need to then try and send to us. Because from a referral standpoint, access can be pretty challenging.
Monica A. Tincopa教授
向初级保健和转诊提供者宣教NAFLD和非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)已经够困难的了,现在又更名为MASLD和代谢相关脂肪性肝炎(MASH),进一步增加了普及相关知识的难度。尽管如此,但我认为这是非常有必要的工作。因为在不了解MASLD的情况下,很多时候他们会提出,“我该关注谁”、“我应该安排什么检查”、“我该如何向患者说明这项检查” 等问题。
<Hepatology Digest>: Are current guidelines and treatment strategies for managing MASLD being fully implemented in practice, and what challenges and controversies still exist?
Dr. Monica A. Tincopa: So these guidelines are all kind of new for this year. And as I said, it is a moving target. I still think there are tons of work to be done. In part, some of the challenging things have to do is not only knowing how many screening guidelines and risk stratification guidelines, but we now change the entire kind of nomenclature of everything and we have a whole new category of patients.
So, it was already hard enough to get the word out to primary care and referring providers about NAFLD and NASH and now we have gone and changed it to MASLD and MASH. We have to teach them about that. So, but I do think it is very helpful because a lot of times it was very frustrating for them to know: “OK, well. Who do I have to worry about? If I am worried about them, what test should I be doing, how do I interpret that test and who do I then send on?
And I think with our current guidelines, there is a lot more guidance, but I think getting the word out in terms of how to think about it and workflow, it is very much a work in progress.

