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AASLD专访丨Rena K. Fox教授:HCV筛查、转诊和治疗的美国经验
——  作者:    时间:2023-12-05 11:36:44    阅读数: 23

在刚刚闭幕的肝病学领域国际年度压轴盛会——美国肝病研究学会年会(AASLD2023)上,美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校Rena K. Fox教授应邀在“Overcoming Challenges in the Hepatitis C Care Cascade”专题中,介绍了美国利用电子病历改善丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)筛查、转诊和治疗的卫生系统解决方案,并于会后接受《国际肝病》专访时进一步分享丙型肝炎临床管理和消除威胁目标的经验和观点,访谈视频和中英文对照访谈原稿分享如下。
Rena K. Fox教授
<Hepatology Digest>: Which populations should priority be given for HCV screening, and how can we improve screening rates to ensure early detection and treatment?
Dr. Rena Fox: Great question. In the United States, the recommendation currently is that all adults should be screened for hepatitis C. So that is a universal screening recommendation. That has been in place since 2020 now and was a real improvement over prior screening recommendations, which were for more limited groups.The reason for a universal screening is because the risk factors for hepatitis C are things like prior injection, drug use, blood transfusions and so patients don't always self-report what those risk factors are and it's found that having a universal screening is more likely to be able to pick up a detected hepatitis C.
Rena K. Fox教授
<Hepatology Digest>: After a positive HCV screen, how can we effectively link patients to treatment services and overcome potential barriers?
Dr. Rena Fox:  This is a really good question about linking patients with a positive test to treatment. The answer depends on the setting in which you are working. So ideally your screening test, which is an antibody test, would be reflexed to a diagnostic test which is a hepatitis C RNA.   So, the first item is that the screening test be linked to a diagnostic test to confirm the infection is chronic.  And then again, if you are in a system where patients would be tested and have treatment available, the ideal would be that when the ordering physician or provider gets the result that they would then immediately refer them to a treater.
I think some of the problems that we are facing are how to locate patients who have been diagnosed in the past but have not been treated. And, you know, going forward, if the position was a new diagnostic test, you would want them to be referred for treating immediately. So, I think there is kind of two halves here, new infections being or new diagnosis versus finding people who have existing diagnosed hepatitis C but have not been treated.
=Rena K. Fox教授
<Hepatology Digest>: What are the current state-of-the-art treatment methods and medications available for HCV infection, and what is their efficacy and side effect profile?
Dr. Rena Fox:  So since 2014 we have had a class of medications called direct acting antivirals called DAAS and these medications are really basically a medical miracle. They really, really are in a class of their own. The current first line treatments for most patients with Hepatitis C who have never been treated before are one of two choices. The trade names are Epclusa? and Maviret?.
Those two drugs are very equivalent to each other. There are some differences between them. Mavyret is 3 pills taken once a day, typically for eight weeks and Epclusa is 1 pill taken once a day, typically for 12 weeks. The efficacy rates are over 95% for a permanent cure. So, it is hard to beat, hard to beat with any medication for any condition to create that kind of a cure rate.
In terms of side effects, they are very mild and few. So, some patients might have fatigue or nausea. There are a couple of medications that you have to watch out for in terms of contraindications. The other issue is that for both of them, you need to be sure that the patient is already tested for hepatitis B because of the patient has hepatitis B then they need specific monitoring while they're on hepatitis C drug.
Rena K. Fox教授
<Hepatology Digest>: How can we address challenges such as accessibility, cost, and relapse in HCV treatment, to ensure that more infected individuals can achieve a cure?
Dr. Rena Fox: Well, in terms of improving access, I think that the more available the treatment is, the better. Really expanding the ability for non-specialists to provide treatment is an excellent plan. The use of the treatment, the prescription and monitoring not difficult and I think non specialists should be more and more empowered and taught how to do the prescribing and do the monitoring. Because if you make every patient have to see a specialist, it is not nearly as realistic or possible. So that is one item.
I think another item is policy. Policies that help healthcare systems and communities have incentives to improve their treatment. For example, in the US, we have things called a HEDIS measure. We do not have a HEDIS measure for hepatitis C, which would help a lot if we could help incentivize systems to get for hepatitis C patients treated.
Laws, actually, in California, there is a new law that was passed in 2022 called AB789, which requires primary care doctors to test for hepatitis B and C, and to treat or refer to treatment if a patient is positive. So, incentives, policies, having non specialists empowered for treatment and then, you know, media campaigns so that patients know more about it, and also to reduce any stigma.
There are really, there have been amazing success in this in some communities and also in some countries. Egypt has recently just accomplished an incredible campaign and really worked to eliminate Hepatitis C in Egypt, where was extremely trouble. So, this can be done if we have the drugs. You know, we know how to make the diagnosis, we know how to cure this. It is really a matter of kind of organization, people, priorities, funding. And I am getting the word out.

