Gonzales-Luna教授:儿童艰难梭菌感染的诊疗进展丨ECCMID 2023
——  作者:    时间:2024-01-23     阅读数: 45

艰难梭菌(Clostridium difficile)是抗生素相关腹泻的重要病因,其临床表现轻重不一,包括无症状定植或轻度腹泻,也可表现为肠梗阻、中毒性巨结肠、低血压或休克为特征的暴发性疾病。尽管儿童艰难梭菌感染相较于成人少见,但其发生率正在增加。在第33届欧洲临床微生物学和感染病学大会(ECCMID 2023)的一场大会报告中,专家们讨论了儿童艰难梭菌感染(CDI)的诊疗进展。《国际肝病》在现场采访了报告讲者之一、休斯敦大学药学实践和转化研究学系的Anne Gonzales-Luna教授。
IDF: What causes Clostridioides difficile infection in children? 
Dr Gonzales-Luna: Clostridioides difficile is a gastrointestinal infection. Clostridioides difficile is a bacteria. It colonizes patients and causes disease in susceptible hosts by expanding its niche. It germinates into vegetative cells that produce toxins, and those toxins cause a lot of damage to the intestine and intestinal mucosa. That leads to primary symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain primarily. Sometimes patients can have more severe infections that cause toxic megacolon or pseudomembranous colitis. This pathophysiology is the same in both adults and children. In children, you do see populations that are susceptible to C. difficile infection that are different to what we see in adults. In adults, the primary risk factors are old age and antibiotic exposure. In children, you tend to see children who get C. difficile infection (CDI) have underlying immunodeficiencies, such as cancer, or have chronic GI conditions that disrupt to usual defense systems in the gut.
IDF: What are the recommendations for treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in children? 
Dr Gonzales-Luna: There are IDSA-SHEA Guidelines in the United States, and the only guidelines in Europe that address pediatric recommendations are actually from 2014. At the time of publication for either of those guidelines, we really didn’t have much comparative data and really much data in general supporting any one antibiotic in children. In those guidelines, metronidazole and vancomycin are recommended equally for treatment of C. difficile infection for non-severe infections, and for initial or recurrent infections. Since those guidelines were published, we actually now have a randomized controlled trial comparing vancomycin and fidaxomicin. The two of those antibiotics actually had equivalent rates of cure, but fidaxomicin did have a higher rate of global cure, which encompasses recurrence. So when you look at a longer end-point, and you see whether these children develop recurrence following antibiotic treatment, there data really favors fidaxomicin.
IDF: What challenges are there in the treatment of pediatric Clostridioides difficile infection?
Dr Gonzales-Luna: I think the biggest challenge in children is ensuring you are correctly diagnosing them. Children less than 1 or 2 years old have really high rates of asymptomatic colonization. So if using a diagnostic PCR or NAAT, you are likely going to find C. difficile present that may not be causing infection, so you will see over-estimation of the rates of CDI. With that challenge in mind (making sure you are correctly diagnosing children), it really complicates clinical trial conduction and interpretation, and undermines a lot of the evidence we do have. It is difficult to track the incidence of CDI in children because of these misdiagnoses, and it is difficult to assess outcomes in these children.
编辑:Fangfei Chen

