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Norihiro Kokudo教授:肝细胞癌手术联合系统治疗的探索与进展丨ASPAL 2024专访
——  作者:    时间:2024-04-12 11:20:38    阅读数: 25

编者按:近年来系统治疗在进展期肝细胞癌(HCC)的突破,使HCC治疗格局发生了改变。手术联合系统治疗探索也随之进入到充满希望的新阶段。第33届亚太肝脏研究学会年会(APASL 2024)上,日本东京国立全球健康与医学中心主席、东京大学医学部附属医院肝胆胰外科Norihiro Kokudo教授应邀发表了题为“肝切除在HCC进展期系统治疗时代的角色”的报告,并于会后就我们关注的相关热点话题进行深度专访。
Norihiro Kokudo教授:日本目前有多种针对HCC的治疗方案可供选择。我们确实遇到过一些病例,在病灶大幅缩小或血管性丧失后,治疗效果显著。十多年前,我们就成功地采用化疗策略,实现了对肝转移灶的有效治疗,这种策略也可能适用于肝细胞癌。因此,我们一直在努力开展前瞻性研究,旨在验证在日本,仅使用免疫检查点抑制剂进行系统治疗的效果。
<Hepatology Digest>: Could you introduce the significant progress made in the direction of surgery combined with systemic therapy in recent years?
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo: For Japan, we have seven regiments available for episode carcinoma now. And we have it is not very rare where we experience a very effective cases after too much shrinkage or lose loss of vascularity. So probably in ten years ago, more than 10 years ago, we experience a successful who strategy of conversion by the use of chemotherapy for collateral labor Mets. And this strategy may be applied for the SEC as well. So, we have been trying to do a prospective study to test the use of system therapy merely on the immune checkpoint inhibitors in Japan.
Norihiro Kokudo教授:随着手术联合全身治疗的突破进展,HCC转化治疗也进入了新的探索阶段。日本肝癌协会和日本肝细胞癌外科学会针对“临界可切除肝癌”这一问题编写了2023年日本HCC共识声明,旨在为HCC的手术治疗提供更清晰、更科学的指导。在共识中,针对可切除性肿瘤学标准制定了3个明确的类别:R、BR 1和BR 2。
BR 1类别:属于临界可切除状态,其标准稍微宽松,包括多发病灶(超过R的标准但不超过5个结节且直径不超过5厘米),或存在大血管侵犯,或局部肝外疾病。对于这类情况,手术作为多学科治疗的一部分可能带来生存益处,因此在手术前可能会考虑采用BR 1的系统疗法。
BR 2类别:这是最初不适合切除的临界可切除状态,涉及多发病灶超过5个结节或直径超过5厘米,或主要血管侵犯,或不符合BR 1分类的局部肝外疾病。对于此类复杂的病例,手术的疗效尚不确定,因此需要在标准的多学科管理下仔细评估手术指征。这可能意味着,我们需要集合各学科的专家意见,决定是否在可能的系统治疗后进行肝脏手术。
<Hepatology Digest>: It is reported that Japan Liver Cancer Association (JLCA) and the Japanese Society of HPB Surgery (JSHPBS) have compiled a consensus on issues related to "so-called borderline resectable HCC". Please introduce the definition, classification and scope of application of this new term for Chinese readers.
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo: We created a working group of the two societies, Japan, liver Cancer Society, and the Japanese society of hpp surgery. And we very recently we reached a consensus. We defined three categories, r and bl one and bl two. For the r regard category, a surgery may offer better suburb outcome for compared to other treatments. That means we recommend upfront surgery, whether any systemic therapy and we are one category is a surgical intervention as a part of multidisciplinary treatment may offer survivor benefit.
So probably, we may think about the near as one therapy system therapy before surgery and br two is a very difficult case. For this category. Efficacy of surgery is indeterminate. So surgical indications should be carefully determined under the standard multi disparity management of that means we may need a consensus among the all disciplines to undergo liver surgery, probably after the systemic therapy.
<Hepatology Digest>: In addition, could you please talk about the main basis for determining this definition or the consideration behind it?
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo: First, we explore the national data. We have a long history of Japan liver cancer association and the patient registry started more than 50 years ago. And we analyzed and that means the our particle, our selection, patient selection, in daily practice, and also the outcome of the patient. And then we did a question survey on the receptivity. And then we gathered expert panel meeting. We took three steps.
Norihiro Kokudo教授:在东京大学任教期间,我有幸与众多中国医生建立了长期的合作关系。这些年来,我接待了超过一百位中国医生前来交流,我们分享经验、探讨学术,建立了深厚的友谊。关于肝癌肝切除手术的使用前景,我相信我们双方可能有着相似的见解,但由于HCC的病因和对HCC的认知理念存在差异,实际处理方式可能有所不同。
<Hepatology Digest>: There is a large number of patients with liver cancer in China, and the proportion of patients with middle and advanced stage HCC in initial diagnosis is high (70%-80%). There is an urgent need to improve the clinical benefits brought by surgical treatment, so the exploration of conversion therapy for the potentially resectable population has been started earlier. Could you talk about your previous cooperation or exchanges with Chinese experts and scholars in the field of surgery combined with systemic therapy and your expectations for the future?
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo: I have a long history of collaboration with Chinese doctors. When I was in universe of Tokyo, II welcome more than five one hundred Chinese doctors at my department and we had the exchange of our experience and our where to go our thoughts or and I think we probably we may have a similar prospects of the use of liver resection for liver cancer, hcc but the major difference may be the ideology of the SEC because I know that probably 90 % of hcc in China is hbv related.
But in Japan, probably hpb is the minority only around 15 %. And majority used to be ahcv related one. But now the number is declining, and probably more than half of the cases in respected ACC now is non b non c so most of them are related to mash I Nash cases or other ideology. This may be a slightly different approach, may read a different approach for Japanese and Chinese doctors.
Norihiro Kokudo教授:本次大会入选的摘要显示,手术联合系统治疗方向的研究呈现出多样化和深入化的趋势。然而,目前仍缺乏针对患者选择的有效生物标志物,这使得治疗方案的选择仍存在一定的盲目性。因此,未来研究应更加注重患者个体差异和生物标志物的探索,以提高治疗的针对性和有效性,这是一项艰巨而充满挑战的任务。
<Hepatology Digest>: Focusing on the abstracts included in this congress, what research in the direction of surgery combined with systemic therapy do you think is worthy of attention? Could you make a brief comment?
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo: What is lacking is a patient selection. We have been studying more than ten ten or 15 years on the system with therapy. But still we don't have BIO markers for the patient selection for each regiments. So we may need this. It would be very difficult, II know. And also we may need more patient volume, because most of the patients with a advantages is very unique in for each patient. So we need more patients, so probably the China. You have a man, many largest number of the anticipation. So you can do a very vertical, very important clinical trial prospectively.

