


Efficacy Telblvudine(LdT)in Naive Chronic Hepatitis B Patients in Jackarta-Indonesia:Preliminary Rep2008-05-10

Modeling immunization hepatitis B integrated to EPI(Expanded Programme Immunization)in Indonesia2008-05-10

Experimental Study of Endocannabinoid AEA regulates the effect of norepinephrine upon hepatic stella2008-05-10

Effects of anandamide on the Release of norepine phrine neurotransmitter in mice liver Slices2008-05-10

Construction of the miRNA expression plasmids of human fgl2,Fas and TNFRI genes and their effects in2008-05-10

CD4-CD8-T cells contribute to the persistence of MHV-3 induced chronie viral hepatitis2008-05-10

HBV proteins Induce Activation of Hfgl2 Transcription through C-Ets-2 Transcription Factor and MAPK2008-05-10

A Study on Hepatitis E Virus(HEV)infection in Animals and Human in Suburbs of Beijing2008-05-10

HBV Genome Oncogenic Mutation Assay in Tumor and Paratumor Tissues from HCC Patients2008-05-10

Early changes of hepatitis B virus quasispecies during Iamivudine treatment and its prediction for a2008-05-10

Epidermal Growth Factor Gene Polymorphism and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma2008-05-10

First series of liver cell transplantation for the treatment of severe urea cycle disorders2008-04-30

Higher ribavirin doese are associated with a better RVR in HIV infected patients2008-04-30

Overall diagnostic accuracy and performance profile of blood tests for liver fibrosis in chronic hep2008-04-30

Critical ischaemia in peripheral limbs during terlipressin treatment2008-04-30

Low cardiac index predicts survival and renal failure in patients with ascites2008-04-30

PEG-INF alfa 2A induced immidiate cytokine release in patients with cronic HCV infection2008-04-30

Effects of terlipressin on the aquaretic system-evidence of antidiuretic effects2008-04-30

Hepatitis C virus(HCV) genotype 4 in patients undergoing antiviral treatment in italy2008-04-30

CA19-9 is a novel biomarker for polycystic liver disease2008-04-30

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